5 New Year’s Resolutions for my Medium Blog

Abdullah Qadir
3 min readJan 3, 2023


5 defined objectives, building towards success.

In truth, I’ve never been much of a goal setter. Setting goals means expectations that have to be met and having to live through the mental angst of meeting these goals. When these expectations are not met, they can crush you, especially if you’re a perfectionist like me. Given that it’s the new year, I wanted to outline some clear and concise goals that I have for my Medium blog. This with the hopes that it can bring me consistency and success.

Photo by Frederik Löwer on Unsplash

Without further ado, here are 5 things I hope to achieve on Medium, by the end of 2023.

  1. Write with more consistency — Currently, I have more saved drafts, than I do published work. Most of these drafts were written once last year and never revisited. I plan to be more active on this platform and hopefully with that, clear these pesky drafts!
  2. Get back into the Medium Partner Program. — I used to be in the Medium Partner Program, but then they changed the requirements and booted out anyone that didn’t meet the set criteria. I’m determined to get back in.
  3. Make $700 total for the whole year, through my writing. A few years ago, I paid for a Medium writing course, costing around $700. This was paid in mind that I would be motivated enough to recuperate that investment, and then some. So far, the motivation hasn’t been enough to make me write with any sort of consistency. In my short Medium career, honestly, without much thought or effort I’ve made a grand total of 0.01. Yes, one cent. One cent down, $699 more to go.
  4. Build a following/community — My favourite part about the internet, is community, specifically, like-mind individuals coming together in the sharing of a common interest. I do hope to find fans of my work and build a community with them. I also hope to discover new fellow writers on Medium, with common goals and interest. Don’t be a stranger and feel free to reach out!
  5. Believe in my work enough to publish it — Now I don’t mean publications or anything like that. I’m honestly not looking that far yet. I mean, just publish my writing, on Medium. Furthermore, I feel like my struggles with writing consistently on this platform, is not believing enough in my own abilities. I am constantly questioning myself during the course of my writing, “you’re not even an expert on this topic,” “no one will read this nonsense,” etc. Just typical self-doubt. I want to break out of this mindset by simply just writing and seeing how far this takes me.
Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

That’s it, that’s the list. I will check back at the end of December 2023, to see how much of this list I’ve managed to accomplished. Until then, I wish you well with your own journey and wish you many successes for the New Year!




Abdullah Qadir
Abdullah Qadir

Written by Abdullah Qadir

Writing things I want to write about.

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